IJARR Vol. 8, No. 3, 2020

International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection (IJARR): Accepted Papers

1. Ratman, Masyitha Muis, Erniwati Ibrahim, Syamsiar S Russeng, Furqan Naiem, & Citrakesumasari (2020). Analysis of Aba method in decreasing the risk of work therapy of autistic children in the Aba Makassar therapy community. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 8 (3), 1-10.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

2. Rafaq, F. & Latif, S. (2020). Psychological capital among professionals in Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 8 (3), 11-18.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

3. Asatovna, N. D. (2020). Organization of modern lessons in special educational institutions is the basis of the inclusive education. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 8 (3), 19-27.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

4. Georgina, T. (2020). A reflection on the role of the church in child development in Ghana: a case study of Atonsu district assemblies of God, Ghana. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 8 (3), 28-48.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

5. Khurshid Mamatkulov & Yoqubova Indira Rustam qizi (2020). Teaching professional competence of military pedagogies in English language by information communication technologies. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 8 (3), 49-53. 

Abstract                                  Full Paper