IJARR Vol. 5, No. 3, 2017

International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection (IJARR): Accepted Papers

1. Gwenzi, G., Anaduaka, U. S. & Asante, E. A. (2017). Insider/outsider status of “returning” researchers   in Sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 5 (3), 1-10.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

2. Zikhali, W. (2017). Impact of agricultural staff training and development on agricultural productivity: a case of Bubi district, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 5 (3), 11-20.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

3. Kastrati, A. & Baloku, B. (2017). Mobbing as a form of psychological abuse in the workplace, legal aspects and difficulties to prove in the court! International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 5 (3), 21-27.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

4. Orluwene, G. W. & Ajala, I. (2017). Teaching subjects and experiences as factors of teachers’ attitude towards the use of marking guide in scoring essay tests. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 5 (3), 28-41.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

5. Anekwe, J. U. (2017). Digital and traditional poverty alleviation using affordances of information communication technology: Nigerian experience. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 5 (3), 42-56.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

6. Hermansyah, et al. (2017). The democratic model of public participation in implementing conference of development planning (CDP) in Sinjai regency. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 5 (3), 57-65.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

7. Murerwa, T. G. (2017). Career development and performance appraisal. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 5 (3), 66-73.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

8. Adrianto et al. (2017). Implementation analysis of food security policy in Konawe district province Sulawesi Tenggara. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 5 (3), 74-82.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

9. Amiegbebhor, D. & Amure, O. (2017). Urban bus reform types: bridging the mobility. gap. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 5 (3), 83-94.

Abstract                                  Full Paper