EJRRMS Vol. 4, No. 4, 2016

European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences (EJRRMS): Accepted Papers

1. Czarniewski, S. (2016). Formation of consumer – enterprise relations: new trends and their business implications. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences, 4 (4), 1-16.

Abstract                                             Full Paper

2.  Khan, S. (2016). Women’s Empowerment through Poverty Alleviation: A Socio-Cultural and Politico-Economic Assessment of Conditions in Pakistan. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences, 4 (4), 17-40.

Abstract                                             Full Paper

3. Kasmad, R. & Alwi (2016). Analysis of local government capacity building network in empowering street vendors policy implementation in Makassar city, Indonesia. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences, 4 (4), 41-52.

Abstract                                             Full Paper

4. Guri, A. (2016). The role of sustainable tourism in the economic development of Vlora district. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences, 4 (4), 53-62.

Abstract                                             Full Paper