EJRRES Vol. 8 No. 3, 2020 Part II

European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences (EJRRES), Part II: Accepted Papers

1. Isokovich, O. A. (2020). 2 course students physical culture theory and methodology indicators. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 1-5.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

2. Denisova, U. J. (2020). The relationship of morphometric signs of the physique of basketball players with indicators of physical fitness. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 6-9.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

3. Rashidov, A. (2020). Development of creative and working with information competences of students in mathematics. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 10-15.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

4. Hakberdievna, E. N. (2020). Methods of intensification of teaching mathematics of humanitarian students. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 16-20.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

5. Muzapharovna, J. P. (2020). Methods of atomic physics classes organization based on e-learning technologies. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 21-27.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

6. Ikramovna, H. G. (2020). Formation of professional competence of teachers of higher educational institutions on the basis of an innovative approach. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 28-31.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

7. Ruzmetova, N. V. (2020). The role of Uzbek national fabric in forming sociocultural space of students. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 32-36.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

8. Vasilievna, P. N., Amangeldievna, B. A., Jumanazarovna, K. I. (2020). Tutor’s support of future teachers. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 37-40.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

9. Yuldashovich, M. K. (2020). Influencing factors for selecting effectiveness of talented swimmers on swimming sports. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 41-44.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

10. Kalandarovna, B. V. (2020). Model of innovative educational system in the conditions of the system of vocational education. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 45-48.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

11. Raimjanovna, K. N. (2020). Reflective activities of elementary pupils. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 49-51.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

12. Shodieva, M. (2020). Improvement of methodological training of primary school teachers. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 52-55.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

13. Dilnoza, A. & Ziyoda, A. (2020). The lexis of Alisher Navoi’s historical works. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 56-63.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

14. Shaxodat, P., Gulnoz, M. & Nazira, I. (2020). The current state of teaching foreign languages. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 64-67.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

15. Tamara, K. (2020). The internet in the process of teaching a foreign language. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 68-72.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

16. Xadicha, C. (2020). Psychological bases of improving professional competence of young specialists. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 73-77.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

17. Ismoilovich, S. A. (2020). Socio-psychological problems of the formation of the psychology of a healthy lifestyle of families. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 78-81.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

18. Choriyevna, M. S. (2020). The educational traditions of dance culture and the historical differences between international and national dance. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 82-86.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

19. Rustamov, K. (2020). The use of didactic-software crosswords in mathematics lessons. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 87-92.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

20. Azamovna, M. M. (2020). Pedagogical and psychological problems of preschool children. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 93-98.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

21. Norboevich, T. B. (2020). Analysis of psychological theory of emotional intelligence. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 99-104.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

22. Rakhimovna, M. L. & Alijanovna, M. N. (2020). Pedagogical education the process of forming an inclusive course preparing conditions for combining methods of analysis and recitation of the population. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 105-107.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

23. Zuhra, O. (2020). Methodological knowledge of the high school physics course is a means of forming students’ physical thinking style. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 108-111.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

24. Kayumov, A. V. (2020). System-technological approach to spiritual and aesthetic education in the study of pedagogical disciplines. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 112-114.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

25. Sultonova, N. A., Ibragimova, Sh. & Xolqoziyeva, D. (2020). Technologies of upbringing children in modern families. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 115-119.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

26. Xujanazarova, N. M. & Irmatova, M. I. (2020). Modernization of preschool education. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 120-124.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

27. Gofurov, A. M., Mirzaliyev, T. & Gayane, T. (2020). Factors in the formation of a “healthy lifestyle” in students. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 125-129.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

28. Yuldasheva, M., Nurmatova, M. & Tolipova, O. (2020). Advantages of using game technologies in education. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 130-133.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

29. Umida, K., Dilora, A. & Umar, E. (2020). European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 134-137.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

30. Babanazarovich, N. K. (2020). The formation of ecological thought of pupils in teaching of biology in connection with natural sciences in the process of the lesson. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 138-142.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

31. Bokiev, G. & Boynazarova, Y. (2020). Improving the effectiveness of education through the principles of continuity in problem-based learning. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 143-146.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

32. Muhamadjonovna, S. D. (2020). The development of sociolinguistic competence of future English language teachers through computer technologies. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 147-150.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

33. Shodi, M. (2020). Professional-oriented tasks as a means of implementing the principle of professional orientation of mathematics education in technical institutions of higher learning. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 151-157.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

34. Zarifova, Z. M. (2020). Theoretical aspects of the development of managerial culture of future educators. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 158-163.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

35. Barno, A. S. (2020). The content of the preparation of the future teacher, aimed at developing its information competence. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 164-171.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

36. Abdullaeva, S. D. & Matyazova, N. S. (2020). Using audio and video materials for developing listening. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 172-174.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

37. Yusupova, N. (2020). Theoretical and methodological bases of interdisciplinary relations of the natural mathematical cycle in preparation of a future teacher in a pedagogical university. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 175-181.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

38. Farhodjonovich, S. O. (2020). Functional characteristics of teacher’s organizational culture. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 182-188.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

39. Achilov Nurbek Norboy o‘g‘li (2020). The use and importance of the three-dimensional features of the auto cad program in drawing projects in public schools. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 189-192.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

40. Turobzoda, T. M. (2020). Structural organization of communicative competence of future primary school teachers. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 193-198.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

41. Samieva, S. N. (2020). Working on the texts as one of the ways to overcome difficulties in the process of teaching grammar of a foreign language. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (3) Part II, 199-205.

Abstract                                  Full Paper