EJRRES Vol. 7 No. 1, 2019

European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences (EJRRES): Accepted Papers

1. Khudoyqulova, G. B. (2019). The mechanisms of the formation of the group activity motivations of the pupils groups. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences7 (1), 1-5.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

2. Barotova, D. (2019). Psychological competitiveness of pedagogue in corrective of the defected educational signs. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences7 (1), 6-12.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

3. Florence, J. I. (2019). Education administration for sustainable human development. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences7 (1),  13-19.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

4. Sam, A. et al. (2019). Teacher trainees’ alternative conceptions about some aspects of coordination chemistry: a case study at the university of education, Winneba-Ghana. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences7 (1),  20-28.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

5. Zaynobiddinov, S. Z., Mamatokhunov, Y. A. & Rakhmatulina, R. (2019). Methodology of the organization of educational and methodical activities of pupils in the process of formation of their independence at physics lessons. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences7 (1),  29-33.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

6. Murodillaevich, U. L. (2019). The place and value of electronic educational resources in forming ICT teachers. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences7 (1),  34-37.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

7. Nazarov, A. A. (2019). Fundamental research general professional process disciplines on the basis of general scientific disciplines. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences7 (1),  38-40.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

8. Chorshanbiyev, Z. E. (2019). The pedagogical potential of  e-learning environments to improve mathematical and scientific training of engineering personnel. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences7 (1),  41-44.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

9. Haitova, Y. S. (2019). Problems of communicative strengthening future pedagogues. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences7 (1),  45-48.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

10. Kazakova, M. Q. (2019). The historical background of the formation of scientific and methodological teachings of Aziziddina Nasafi. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences7 (1),  49-52.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

11. Nekboev, Kh. Kh. (2019). Mechanisms of the influence of mass media on the development of personality under the conditions of media. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences7 (1),  53-55.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

12. Khabitovich, O. P. (2019). Use of interactive methods to develop students’ socio-cultural competence through multimedia devices. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences7 (1),  56-62.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

13. Abdurasulov, R. & Muminjanova, M. (2019). Analysis of interests and motives of students to activities by eastern combating and boxing. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences7 (1),  63-69.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

14. Nnamdi, A. (2019). Parental roles in educating the 21st century child towards the attainment of sustainable living. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences7 (1), 70-81.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

15. Nnamdi, A. (2019). The implications of alternative approaches to capacity building programmes for childhood teachers/caregivers in Nigeria. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences7 (1), 82-88.

Abstract                                  Full Paper