EJPR Vol. 9 No. 3, 2022

European Journal of Psychological Research (EJPR): Accepted Papers

1. Vransisca, V. (2022). The relationship between peer social support and self-identity in adolescents at the Smak Penabur Harapan Indah. European Journal of Psychological Research, 9 (3), 1-7.

Abstract                             Full Paper

2. Diah Amaliah1 & Zulbahri (2022). Safety in work, organizational climate and work involvement of contract employees: study at pt. social security (Persero) regional office III Jakarta. European Journal of Psychological Research, 9 (3), 8-20.

Abstract                             Full Paper

3. Qori, U., Agustian, N. & Ramadhanni, W. (2022). The effect of self-disclosure on marital satisfaction in couples who have not had children. European Journal of Psychological Research, 9 (3), 21-29.

Abstract                             Full Paper

4. Dizdari, V. & Hasmujaj, E. (2022). Corona disease anxiety scale (CDAS): psychometric properties of the Albanian version. European Journal of Psychological Research, 9 (3), 30-37.

Abstract                             Full Paper

5. Sadiki, S. (2022). Emotional experiences of debar region parents during the period of diagnosing their children with special needs. European Journal of Psychological Research, 9 (3), 38-46.

Abstract                             Full Paper

6. Jannati, B., Witaraga, A. & Mulyawan, K. S. A. (2022). Social environmental relationship with self efficacy in adolescents with thalassemia diseases at the thalassemia foundation Harapan Bunda hospital. European Journal of Psychological Research, 9 (3), 47-53.

Abstract                             Full Paper

7. Saragih, I. M. & Gayo, H. (2022). Achievement motivation and verbal creativity with independent learning in school at students SMAN 91 East Jakarta. European Journal of Psychological Research, 9 (3), 54-61.

Abstract                             Full Paper

8. Dunst, C. J. (2022). Functional social support and psychological health and functioning: a meta-analysis of studies of parents of children and adolescents with identified disabilities. European Journal of Psychological Research, 9 (3), 62-82.

Abstract                             Full Paper