EJPR Vol. 11 No. 6, 2024

European Journal of Psychological Research (EJPR): Accepted Papers

1. Asih, R. N., Kusumawati, R. R. & Hafisema, Y. (2024). Experimental study on the effect of major mode music on emotions of PT. XXX employees. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (6), 1-6.

Abstract                             Full Paper

2. Nasirova, N. (2024). The role of social emotional skill of the first year high school students in their adaptation process. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (6), 7-12.

Abstract                             Full Paper

3. Tjiptomurt, P. & Fajriah, N. (2024). Conformity and social interaction in employees: research at pt. KBS Indonesia Cakung East Jakarta. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (6), 13-19.

Abstract                             Full Paper

4. Kristy, S. & Widyasari, R. G. (2024). Sense of humor and work stress in production employees. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (6), 20-28.

Abstract                             Full Paper

5. Akyina, K. O. & Manu, J. (2024). How alternative strategies to corporal punishment can be made more effective in Ghanaian basic schools: perceptions of teachers. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (6), 29-46.

Abstract                             Full Paper

6. Uli, S. D. K., Setiarini, D. A. & Aryuan, G. (2024). Relationship between personality and prosocial behavior tendency in TransJakarta user employees. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (6), 47-52.

Abstract                             Full Paper

7. Cahyani, N. (2024). The effect of organizational justice on commitment employees at university X. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (6), 53-61.

Abstract                             Full Paper

8. Abdi, F. B. & Bexheti, L. (2024). Gender differences in value orientations and career aspirations among Albanian high school students in North Macedonia. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (6), 62-71.

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