European Journal of Psychological Research (EJPR): Accepted Papers
1. Bahar, T. E., Apriansyah & Purba, O. F. (2024). Test the validity of the body dissatisfaction construct using the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) method. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (4), 1-5.
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2. Chrisanti, A., Susanti, Y. & Putra, N. N. J. (2024). Learning achievement of open university students in relation to adversity quotient and achievement motivation. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (4), 6-17.
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3. Nurohmat, A. I., Rekozar, S. S. L. & Utama, F. R. (2024). The effect of acculturative stress on problem-focused coping which is moderate by social support for students Rantau in Bandung city. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (4), 18-22.
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4. Maharani, C., Cinta, W. & Harun, R. H. (2024). Environmental mastery in dimensions psychological well being adolescents in a disaster situation. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (4), 23-29.
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5. Fajrin, A., Saud, F. & Mahendra, N. Y. (2024). The relationship of leadership style with work discipline in employees who do work from home system. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (4), 30-38.
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6. Kansil, I. M. P. (2024). Effectiveness of intervention using collage games in increasing concentration in children with intellectual developmental disorders. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (4), 39-48.
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7. Tarihoran, R. D. (2024). Self-concept and attitudes of working women on work achievement. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (4), 49-58.
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8. Zain, M. Z. & Khoeriany, A. C. (2024). Overview of self-acceptance in punkers in the Taring Babi Punk community, South Jakarta (case study of self-acceptance of punkers in the Taring Babi Punk community, South Jakarta). European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (4), 59-66.
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9. Eneng, Yamani, S. A. A. & Sakinah, N. (2024). The influence of emotional intelligence on work stress among employees working from home (WFH) in Jabodetabek. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (4), 67-76.
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10. Perwira, F. A., Lamury, C. D. F. & Purba, J. M. D. (2024). The relationship between self-esteem and emotion regulation on assertiveness of psychology students at Uin Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (4), 77-85.
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11. Andjani, J. S. (2024). The relationship between religion and happiness in adolescents living in cottages Al-Kenaniyah Islamic boarding school. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (4), 86-91.