EJPR Vol. 11 No. 3, 2024

European Journal of Psychological Research (EJPR): Accepted Papers

1. Fredrik, Naigolda, L. & Rusmen (2024). The relationship between hardiness and psychological well being in students who use distance learning methods in high school college advent Salemba. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (3), 1-7.

Abstract                             Full Paper

2. Paramita, P., Syahfitri, N. & Nurfajri, A. (2024). Degrees of anxiety in working mothers. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (3), 8-12.

Abstract                             Full Paper

3. Fauziyah, S., Yohan, L. S. & Sabila (2024). Evaluation of the ability grouping method on the effectiveness of teaching and learning in MTs students. X Cianjur. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (3), 13-31.

Abstract                             Full Paper

4. Kristina, N., Miswan & Cahyono, S. (2024). Career planning training to improve self-efficacy in career decision making (career decisions making self efficacy). European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (3), 32-40.

Abstract                             Full Paper

5. Nurhasanah, M., Putri, A. E. & Amelia, Z. (2024). The relationship of verbal abuse experience with burnout in department employees CTB at PT. CLI Indonesia. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (3), 41-47.

Abstract                             Full Paper

6. Putri, R. A., Ardiansyah, R. & Rizaldien, D. (2024). The relationship of job satisfaction and superior and subordinate exchanges with citizenship behavior in the organization of directorate employees LPP TVRI finance head office. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (3), 48-54.

Abstract                             Full Paper

7. Putri, S. W., Simanjuntak, L. A. Y. & Khoiriyah, U. (2024). The effect of attitude toward behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control on the intention to conduct academic cheating on employee class students at X university. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (3), 55-64.

Abstract                             Full Paper

8. Hikmah, W. N., Siregar, J. & Herawaty, Y. (2024). Development and psychometric property noble behavior scale development and psychometric property noble behavior scale. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (3), 65-71.

Abstract                             Full Paper

9. Rahayu, I. A., Hardina, D. & Ninggrum, T. S. (2024). Self management efforts for working students. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (3), 72-81.

Abstract                             Full Paper

10. Wijaya, H. A., Novalia, F. & Adisti, N. D. E. (2024). The impact of job satisfaction and democratic leadership style to work discipline of employees at PT. Indomarco Prismatama Lampung. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (3), 82-91.

Abstract                             Full Paper

11. Aliyya, A., Wulandari, A. & Alfiyyah, R. (2024). Construct validity test on the suicide idea instrument using the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) method. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (3), 92-95.

Abstract                             Full Paper

12. Afiffatunnisa, N. & Ramadhan, M. I. (2024). The relationship of trait mindfulness and resilience with psychological well-being in single mother in the community save widows. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (3), 96-105.

Abstract                             Full Paper

13. Tantri, I., Maryati, N. & Fitriadmi, Y. (2024). Emotional intelligence, physical conditions of the work environment and job stress production employees. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (3), 106-116.

Abstract                             Full Paper

14. Apribul, D., Silubun, T. A. & Borges, I. (2024). The relationship of perceptions of injustice and retaliation in outsourcing workers in Bekasi city. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (3), 117-123.

Abstract                             Full Paper

15. Sadiki, S. M. (2024). Marital adjustment of parents of children with special needs. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (3), 124-128.

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