EJPR Vol. 11 No. 1, 2024

European Journal of Psychological Research (EJPR): Accepted Papers

1. Sumiyati (2024). Psychological well-being description of single women in mid adults working in Bandung city. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (1), 1-9.

Abstract                             Full Paper

2. Qonita, A., Amir, R. D. & Husna, Z. R. (2024). The influence of the big five personality training on self-compassion in elementary school teachers extraordinary country in Jakarta. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (1), 10-17.

Abstract                             Full Paper

3. Amini, F., Hudaturahmah & Ulumuddin, F. (2024). The relationship of parent’s social support and self control the tendency of premarital sexual behavior in teens. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (1), 18-31.

Abstract                             Full Paper

4. Chadijah, S., Nurhanifiyanti, R. & Yunita, D. N. (2024). The relationship of emotional intelligence and assertive behavior in the Britzone committee English community 2021. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (1), 32-37.

Abstract                             Full Paper

5. Anggara, B. A., Mayawati, L. & Khairinnisa, A. (2024). The relationship between self-efficacy and family social support and anxiety in facing the world of work in class XII vocational school X students. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (1), 38-45.

Abstract                             Full Paper

6. Barma, R. (2024). The effect of group guidance services on increasing student learning activeness in class XI. 2 motorcycle engineering SMK Negeri 2 Kayu Agung (guidance and counseling action research). European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (1), 46-56.

Abstract                             Full Paper

7. Bexheti, L. & Abdi, F. B. (2024). Positive communication in organizations with different ethnic nationalities and the cognitive component of ethnic prejudices of employees. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (1), 57-63.

Abstract                             Full Paper

8. Zaki, F. M., Chintya, T. & Andini, S. (2024). The relationship between the personality types of neuroticism and agreeableness with the tendency of verbal aggression behavior in high school students it Al-Halimiyah East Jakarta. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (1), 64-71.

Abstract                             Full Paper

9. Novita, L. (2024). There is a relationship between parental social support and prosocial behavior in second semester students at the Stia Yappan Jakarta faculty of state administration. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (1), 72-77.

Abstract                             Full Paper

10. Dan, I. M.  & Ainaya, Z. Z. (2024). Overview of stress and stress coping strategies in early adult individuals who perform fanatism for anime characters in Jakarta. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (1), 78-85.

Abstract                             Full Paper

11. Dewi, F., Aliyah, S. & Kusuma, A. D. (2024). Handling student anxiety in facing tests using method hypnosis. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (1), 86-91.

Abstract                             Full Paper

12. Hena, P., Sari, L. W. & Syafrudin, M. (2024). Overview of work engagement for primary school teachers with PNS status. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (1), 91-102.

Abstract                             Full Paper

13. Azizah, H. N., Qoriana, M. & Lestari, V. (2024). The influence of character strength and stigma on the acceptance of peer friends of teenagers who are friends with children with special needs. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (1), 103-116.

Abstract                             Full Paper

14. Afdhalia, Trihapsari, V. R. & Suherman, I. P. (2024). Academic adjustment is reviewed from the suitability of interest in choosing a department and parental social support. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (1), 117-127.

Abstract                             Full Paper

15. Ulfah, A. Mariam, S. & Muhari (2024). Case study of resilience in mothers who have blind children at the Cahaya Bathin social institution for the blind, Jakarta. European Journal of Psychological Research, 11 (1), 128-135.

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