EJPR Vol. 10 No. 2, 2023

European Journal of Psychological Research (EJPR): Accepted Papers

1. Thirafi, K. N., Asyika, T. & Risyandi, A. (2023). The relationship between assertive behavior and public speaking anxiety in psychology students Persada university of Indonesia Y. A. I. Jakarta. European Journal of Psychological Research, 10 (2), 1-5.

Abstract                             Full Paper

2. Hareni, V., Pratiwi, D. E. & Damayanti, H. (2023). The relationship between work motivation and employee discipline in the secretariat of the plantation service of West Sumatra province. European Journal of Psychological Research, 10 (2), 6-11.

Abstract                             Full Paper

3. Safitri, R. S. & Octarisa, N. S. (2023). The relationship between the learning environment and learning motivation in  the 12th grade OTKP students at SMK Amaliah 2. European Journal of Psychological Research, 10 (2), 12-16.

Abstract                             Full Paper

4. Sinulingga, F., Rosalina, F. E. & Yoniton, R. M. (2023). The influence of self efficiency, emotional intelligence, social support on learning achievement quantum Indonesia junior high school students. European Journal of Psychological Research, 10 (2), 17-29.

Abstract                             Full Paper

5. Akram, M. F. & Sarah, S. (2023). The relationship between work motivation and work environment with pt. Asoka Puri creation in Palembang. European Journal of Psychological Research, 10 (2), 30-34.

Abstract                             Full Paper

6. Salsabila, D. M., Andriani, R. & Mulyani, S. (2023). Application of the make a match method to the learning outcomes of science materials in energy resources in participants lightly mentally disabled students class VIII SMPLB at SLB ABCD Asyifa Bandung. European Journal of Psychological Research, 10 (2), 35-41.

Abstract                             Full Paper

7. Mardhiansyah, L., Ramadhani, A. & Christina, J. (2023). Description of anxiety and stress in psychology students at state university Jakarta class of 2011 medium thesis. European Journal of Psychological Research, 10 (2), 42-49.

Abstract                             Full Paper

8. Indriana, P., Meiza, A. & Kurniadewi, E. (2023). The relationship between social support and mental toughness in athletes with disabilities in Bandung city. European Journal of Psychological Research, 10 (2), 50-67.

Abstract                             Full Paper

9. Filhaq, R., Yanti & Karlina, D. (2023). The influence of game online addiction, flow, job demands e-sport players on the e-sport curriculum. European Journal of Psychological Research, 10 (2), 68-73.

Abstract                             Full Paper

10. Shubhi, N. W., Meinetha & Sari, P. P. (2023). The relationship of self-esteem and women’s smoking behavior. European Journal of Psychological Research, 10 (2), 64-83.

Abstract                             Full Paper