EJPAS Vol. 1 No. 1, 2013

European Journal of Physical and Agricultural Sciences (EJPAS): December 2013

1. Edet G. E.  & Etim N. A. A. (2013). Child labour in agriculture among poor rural households: some issues and facts. European Journal of Physical and Agricultural Sciences, 1 (1), 1-7.

Abstract                                   Full paper

2. Kanaka, S. & Chinnadurai, M. (2013). The policy analysis matrix of rice cultivation in India. European Journal of Physical and Agricultural Sciences, (1), 8-19.

Abstract                                   Full paper

3. Elmas, S. & Hızarcı, S. (2013). Applıcatıons of fıxed poınt ın menelaus theorem. European Journal of Physical and Agricultural Sciences, (1), 20-26.

Abstract                                   Full paper

4. Agbarevo, M.N.B. & Age, A. I. (2013). Effect of the Third National Fadama Development Project (FADAMA 111) on the income of farmers in Kwande Local Government area of Benue State, Nigeria. European Journal of Physical and Agricultural Sciences, (1), 27-32.

Abstract                                   Full paper