EJMCS Vol. 7, No. 1, 2020

European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science: Accepted Papers

1. Rath, B. (2020). Generating (2 x 2) pt-symmetric matrices using Pauli matrices as parity operator: broken spectra and stop light in unbroken spectra at unequal points. European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 7 (1), 1-9.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

2. Rath, B. (2020). Non-commuting operators and Spectral Invariance : Non-Hermitian Complex Hamiltonian and Non-Hermitian Real Hamiltonian. European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 7 (1), 10-19.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

3. Partheepan, S. & Sivalingam, D. (2020). Solution to cubic equation using java programming. European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 7 (1), 20-28.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

4. Ling-shan Xu, Yuan-hong Tao (2020). construction of mutually unbiased maximally entangled bases in C3 ⊗ C12 from C3 ⊗ C3. European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 7 (1), 29-38.

Abstract                                  Full Paper