EJET Vol. 8 No. 1, 2020

European Journal of Engineering and Technology (EJET): Accepted Papers

1. Noushima, H. G., Rafiuddin & Mustafa, S. (2020). A study  of mass transfer on hydromagnetic free convective  non-Newtonian  flow. European Journal of  Engineering and Technology, 8 (1), 1-12.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

2. Jang, S. J. (2020). OCR related technology trends. European Journal of  Engineering and Technology, 8 (1), 13-20.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

3. Fadipe, O. O., Oladepo, K. T. & Jeje, J. O. (2020). Develpoment of a groundwater quality map of Ilesa west local government area, Osun state Nigeria- a GIS approach. European Journal of  Engineering and Technology, 8 (1), 21-30.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

4. John, A. T., Obiga, O. & Godwin, U. G. (2020). CFD investigation and evaluation of emission production of a diesel power generating plant. European Journal of  Engineering and Technology, 8 (1), 31-39.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

5. Nimame, P. K., Ede, P. N. & Igoni, A. H. (2020). Optimizing gas production through biodigester design options in a tropical environment. European Journal of  Engineering and Technology, 8 (1), 40-47.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

6. Eleje, S. E., Hart, R. I. & Tamunotena, P. M. K. (2020). Impact of node velocity on TCPthroughput of mobile ad-hoc data network (MADNET). European Journal of  Engineering and Technology, 8 (1), 48-55.

Abstract                                  Full Paper