EJBEA Vol. 5 No. 2, 2017

European Journal of Business, Economics and Accountancy (EJBEA): Accepted Papers

1. Kirui, J. K. (2017). Organizational justice and decision to remain in employment relationship after retirement: moderating effect of employee personality. European Journal of Business, Economics and Accountancy, 5 (2), 1-15.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

2. Mustafa, M. & Selassie, H. M. (2017). Asymmetric volatility transmission between employment, export, education, and new business establishment. European Journal of Business, Economics and Accountancy, 5 (2), 16-26.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

3. Karabou, F. E. (2017). Microfinance and poverty reduction in Togo. European Journal of Business, Economics and Accountancy, 5 (2), 27-36.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

4. Owusu Atuahene, S. O., Kyei, E. & Darko, E. A. (2017). Socio-economic covariates of demand for personal loan in the Kumasi metropolis of Ghana. European Journal of Business, Economics and Accountancy, 5 (2), 37-42.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

5. Munepapa, M. & Sheefeni, J. P. S. (2017). The impact of import on inflation in Namibia. European Journal of Business, Economics and Accountancy, 5 (2), 43-51.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

6. Nkhalamo, J. C. & Sheefeni, J. P. S. (2017). Tax and economic growth in Namibia. European Journal of Business, Economics and Accountancy, 5 (2), 52-61.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

7. Etukafia, N. I. & Ekpo, N. (2017). Reinvigorating the Nigerian agricultural sector for growth: does foreign direct investment matter? European Journal of Business, Economics and Accountancy, 5 (2), 62-76.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

8. Wang, X. & Yao, Y. (2017). A research on the causes of price manipulation in China’s stock market. European Journal of Business, Economics and Accountancy, 5 (2), 77-84. 

Abstract                                  Full Paper

9. Celestine, N. I. & Nneka, O. V. (2017). Improving profitability of the Nigerian health care sector through the management of trade credits. European Journal of Business, Economics and Accountancy, 5 (2), 85-94.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

10. Sheshi, A. & Kercini, D. The role of technological, technical and administrative innovation in the performance of the SME’s in Albania. European Journal of Business, Economics and Accountancy, 5 (2), 95-103.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

11. Rambo, C. M. (2017). Aspects of revenue generation that influence financial sustainability of public-private water utilities: the case of Lake Victoria South Region, Kenya. European Journal of Business, Economics and Accountancy, 5 (2), 104-124.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

12. Jabeen, U. A. (2017). Rural – urban disparities in the impact of women SHGS on employment and income. European Journal of Business, Economics and Accountancy, 5 (2), 125-135.

Abstract                                  Full Paper