EJMCS Vol. 4, No. 2, 2017

European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science: Accepted Papers

1. Lin, G. & Sun, Y. (2017). The  pullback  attractors  for  the  higher-order kirchhoff-type  equation  with  nonlinear  strongly damped term and delays. European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4 (2), 1-24.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

2. Lin, G. & Wang, W. (2017). The global attractors for the higher-order nonlinear kirchhoff-type equation with nonlinear damped terms. European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4 (2), 25-36.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

3. Zhao, P. R. et al. (2017). Quantum Secret Sharing via Four Particle Asymmetric Entangled State. (2017). European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4 (2), 37-45.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

4. Li, X. et al. (2017). Operator P in 2×2 PT – symmetric quantum system. (2017). European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4 (2), 46-51.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

5. Kobayashi, T., Shimizu, H. & Shohdohji, T. (2017). New population-based descent algorithm using mean value of coordinate components. European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4 (2), 52-65.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

6. Lin, G. & Yang, S. (2017). The global attractor for the higher-order coupled kirchhoff –type equations with nonlinear strong dampend and source terms. European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4 (2), 66-78.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

7. Lin, G. & Xia, X. (2017). The global attractor for the kirchhoff-type equations with strongly damped terms and source terms. European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4 (2), 79-93.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

8. Lin, G. & Xia, X. (2017). The finite hausdorff and fractal dimensions of the global attractor for a class Kirchhoff-type equations. European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4 (2), 94-103.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

9. Lin, G. & Yang, H. (2017). The global attractor for a class of coupled kirchhoff-type equations. European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4 (2), 104-115.

Abstract                                  Full Paper