European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences (EJRRMS): Accepted Papers
1. Hsing-Ming, L. et al. (2016). A preliminary study on the relationship among emotional labor, job burnout, and positive coping strategies of social workers in Taiwan. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences, 4 (6), 1-14.
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2. Löschenbrand, B. (2016). The concept of a corporate marketing system and its impact on business performance. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences, 4 (6), 15-27.
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3. Kuzma, J., Dobson, K. & Robinson, A. (2016). An examination of privacy policies of global on-line e-pharmacies. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences, 4 (6), 28-38.
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4. Mberia, A. (2016). Assessing the cultural factors impeding women leadership in secondary schools: a case for Tharaka South sub-county, Kenya. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences, 4 (6), 39-48.
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5. Ndalamo, J. & Hamman, M. (2016). The relevance and impact of integrated management systems on conformity assessment in certified organisations: a case study on accredited certification. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences, 4 (6), 49-74.