EJMCS Vol. 2, No. 2, 2015

European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science

1. Kalu, C., Ozuomba, S. & Anthony, U. M. (2015). Static-threshold-limited BuST protocol. European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2 (2), 1-16.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

2. Gordon, O., Ozuomba, S. & Kalu, C. (2015). Determination of the dominant fading and the effective fading for the rain zones in the ITU-R  P.838-3 recommendation. European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2 (2), 17-29.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

3. Johnson, I. F., Ozuomba, S. & Kalu, C. (2015). Process map for ict-based post unified tertiary matriculation examination (PUTME) administration system. European Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2 (2), 30-40.

Abstract                                  Full Paper