EJRRAH Vol. 3, No. 4, 2015

European Journal of Research and Reflection in Arts and Humanities (EJRRAH): Accepted Papers

1. Elizabeth, O. M. (2015). The effectiveness of satire as a dramatic tool for societal reformation: Efua Sutherland’s The marriage of Anansewa, examined. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Arts and Humanities, 3 (4), 1-10. 

Abstract                                   Full paper

2. Asmah, A. E., Mate, M. M. & Daitey, S. T. (2015). The developments of macramé as a viable economic venture in Ghana. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Arts and Humanities, 3 (4), 11-21. 

Abstract                                   Full paper

3. Shemsedini, N. (2015). The media and their influence among children aged 11 (+,-). European Journal of Research and Reflection in Arts and Humanities, 3 (4), 22-27. 

Abstract                                   Full paper

4. Gjergji, S. (2015). Phraseological expressions borrowed from the biblical language with religious features: an integrative view between English and Albanian. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Arts and Humanities, 3 (4), 28-39. 

Abstract                                   Full paper