IJARR Vol. 9, No. 3, 2021

International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection (IJARR): Accepted Papers

1. Kryemadhi, B. (2021). Cogitation on Nietzsche from Deleuze point of view. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 9 (3), 1-8.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

2. Shimba, C., Magombola, D. A. & Mihale, F. B. (2021). Assessment of waste management in market places in Morogoro municipal, Morogoro region. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 9 (3), 9-19.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

3. Tien, C. Y. (2021). English-medium instruction (EMI) in a content course: a case study of students’ perceptions, beliefs, strategies, and influential factors. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 9 (3), 20-32.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

4. Yang, Yu-Miao (2021). Road to perdition: the making of an idealist in Conrad’s Under Western Eyes. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 9 (3), 33-38.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

5. Kryemadhi, B. (2021). Transformation of revolutionized ideas into doctrine and their institutionalization: deliberation on Christianity from philosophical perspective of Nietzsche. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 9 (3), 39-44.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

6. Kołodziej, L. (2021). Plagiarism and Blat in the academic community: the case study from the republic of Poland. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 9 (3), 45-53.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

7. Nwabueze, I. E. & Nwankpa, L. E. (2021). Undergraduate students’ awareness and utilization of entrepreneurship opportunities in business education in Rivers State, Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 9 (3), 54-63.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

8. Annan, S. T. et al (2021). Curriculum knowledge of science teachers and its effects on academic performance of pupils. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 9 (3), 64-77.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

9. Español, R. S. et al. (2021). Public participation in project planning and implementation of local government unit of South UPI, Maguindanao, Philippines. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 9 (3), 78-86.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

10. Huh, M. K. & Park, M. S. (2021). A study on the use of living sports facilities at Dalseong-Gun in Korea after Covid-19. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 9 (3), 87-94.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

11. Nwaizugbu, N. Q. & Olele, C. N. (2021). Participation of students and lecturers in social networking for teaching and learning in public universities in rivers state, Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 9 (3), 95-106.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

12. Yoong, C. Y. (2021). The issues and challenges of conducting chamber music classes online: a case study. International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection, 9 (3), 107-116.

Abstract                                  Full Paper