European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences (EJRRES): Accepted Papers
1. Botirovna, K. V. (2020). Formation of visual and imaginative thinking in preschool children through various playing activities. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 1-5.
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2. Abdunabievich, O. I. (2020). Responsible attitude towards virtual teaching in future pedagogues. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 6-10.
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3. Abdunabievich, O. I. (2020). Challenges in forming social consciousness at primary school level. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 11-15.
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4. Umaralievich, Z. J. (2020). Scientific and pedagogical system of preparation future special teachers for international communication. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 16-22.
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5. Sobirjon, A. (2020). Socio – pedagogical factors of formation of activities of society and social involvement in students who have an active life position. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 23-27.
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6. Karabaevna, I. Z., Makhsudovich, M. P. & Ergashevich, T. K. (2020). Problems of training of teachers in against organized professional educational institutions. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 28-35.
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7. Burievna, N. S., Burievna, N. D. & Gafurovna, B. N. (2020). The use of the Moodle e-learning management system in teaching English. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 36-39.
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8. Nurmamatovich, S. I. (2020). The importance and prospects of synergetic integration of higher education and industry in training modern engineers. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 40-47.
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9. Mirdjonovna, B. Z., Abdumalikovna, P. Z., Agzamovna, T. U. & Rahmatovna, K. U. (2020). Integration of education, science and production: social-philosophical aspects. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 48-50.
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10. Akhmetova, K. I., Isamova, P. Sh. & Musakhanova, G. M. (2020). Development and implementation of the technology of monitoring efficiency of increasing the qualification of pedagogical staff of VSSO. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 51-61.
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11. Djuraevna, T. G. (2020). Didactic means of carrying out special disciplines based on interactive methods in future specialists. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 62-65.
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12. Bakhtiyorovich, K. N. (2020). Model of developing communicative competence of managers in the professional education system in the context of network cooperation. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 66-69.
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13. Nafasov, D. (2020). Theoretical and pedagogical aspects of forming sociocultural competence of students in tourism. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 70-72.
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14. Umrzakovna, P. K. (2020). Educational significance of the works of Abdulla Avloni. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 73-81.
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15. Pulatova, Z. (2020). Assessment principles, characteristics of improving students’ assessment of writing skills in English (example в2 level). European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 82-86.
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16. Aripova, S. (2020). The problems of applying different methods to the independent learning process. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 87-93.
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17. Muhammadjonovna, J. H. (2020). Model of protection of students from internal threats and its main components. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 94-99.
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18. Sakhibnazarovich, B. A. & Khujamovich, N. P. (2020). Bone turnover markers in tuberculous spondylitis. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 100-106.
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19. Kadirimbetova, G. R. (2020). Formation of information competence in students in the process of physical education. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 107-110.
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20. Gayratovich, E. N. & Yuldashevna, T. O. (2020). Use of visualized electronic textbooks to increase the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 111-116.
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21. Uktamovich, S. A. (2020). Stages of development, directions and comparative analysis of cloud technologies. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 117-123.
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22. Jovliyevich, K. B. (2020). General analysis and problems of mathematical modeling theory. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 124-129.
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23. Guzorovich, E. A. (2020). Mathematical modeling and practice of differential equations. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 130-134.
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24. Patrick, Ogechukwu Blessing (2020). Effects and remedies of culture shock on higher education students in China. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 135-145.
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25. Xayrullaevna, T. S. (2020). The importance of using the scientific heritage of Ibn Sina in the teaching of biology in general secondary education. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 146-155.
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26. Xidirovich, K. J. & Saidumarovich, M. B. (2020). (2020). Use of interactive methods in problem solving lessons. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 156-158.
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27. Iroda, X. (2020). Mentally retarded students through reading lessons: issues of adaptation to social life. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 159-161.
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28. Xurramov, A. J., Boymurodov, A. K. & Xoluqulovich, J. A. (2020). Educational technologies and their quality assessment. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 162-166.
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29. Mamadzhanov, N. M. (2020). Relationship of age and dynamics of physical development and preparedness of 6-7 years old children in Fergana. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 167-170.
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30. Khudoiberdievich, O. U., Olimjonovich, M. N. & Elbek, N. (2020). Hygienic gymnastics, functions, means, importance. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 171-173.
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31. Kurbanbaeva, A. Dj. & Aleuov, U. A. (2020). Experience in teaching youth to treat surgical diseases in Karakalpak folk pedagogy. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 174-179.
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32. Abdurahmanov, A. G. (2020). The use of modern information technology in solving non-standard problems. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 180-191.
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33. Olimjonovna, K. A. (2020). The language communicative skills development in forming a communication culture of law enforcement agencies. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 192-195.
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34. Shoniyozovna, K. M. (2020). Features of developing creative abilities in children through an artistic sense of music. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 196-201.
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35. Matiyazovna, M. Z. (2020). Experimental study of patriotism. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 202-204.
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36. Todjiboyevna, T. G. (2020). Methodological foundations for studying personality in the internet environment. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 205-210.
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37. Umarova, S. M. (2020). Muhammad Aufi Bukhari – prominent contributor to Tazkira genre in the “Lubab ul-Albob”. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 211-215.
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38. Shomirzayev, M. Kh. (2020). Ethnic characteristics of national traditional crafts. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 216-225.
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39. Nazarova, R., Usarova, N. & Kadirova, D. (2020). A general description of the appearance of the writing. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 226-229.
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40. Shamsieva, I. Q. (2020). Designing physical education lessons on the basis of modern approaches. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 230-232.
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41. Shamsieva, I. Q. (2020). A meaningful feature of the technology of organizing school physical education classes. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 233-235.
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42. Ochilov, E. O. (2020). Possibilities of symmetrization of throws performed by young wrestlers on the right and left with a subsequent decrease in the level of their hypoxic value. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 236-241.
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43. Erkinovna, M. D. (2020). Ways and methods of resolving pedagogical conflicts between teachers and students in a modern school. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 242-244.
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44. Khasanov, O. K. (2020). The importance of young players ‘explosion ability to blow the ball. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 245-248.
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45. Bektosh Shomurod ogli Rakhmatov (2020). Stability of maintaining body balance among young taekwondo fighters and its importance for performing accurate blows with the right and left legs. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 249-254.
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46. Mominov, A. S. (2020). Dependence of time-range differentiation and balancing motion accuracy in handball players with stability. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (12), 255-257.