European Journal of Research in Social Sciences (EJRSS), Vol. 8 No. 5, 2020: Accepted Papers
1. Andi Musaddad Mukhlis, Suratman & Ali Fauzi Ely (2020). Increasing community participation in the tourism development implementation process in Polewali Mandar regency. European Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 8 (5), 1-8.
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2. Magesa, R. J. & Kitula, M. D. N. (2020). Understanding violence against victims of human trafficking: a case of young females. European Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 8 (5), 9-19.
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3. Kaman, S. J., Rambo, C. M. & Mbugua, J. M. (2020). Performance of construction projects – the influence of policy interpretation and mediation of project management practices. European Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 8 (5), 20-28.
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4. Topulli, J. (2020). An overview of religious belonging percentage in Albania. European Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 8 (5), 29-50.
Abstract Full Paper
5. Zada, B. et al. (2020). Understanding prevalence and correlation of perception’s fear of covid-19, perception of general health, anxiety disorder, physical and psychological symptoms among international students during corona-virus outbreak in China. European Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 8 (5), 51-59.