EJRRES Vol. 8 No. 5, 2020

European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences (EJRRES): Accepted Papers

1. Ruzievna, J. F. & Tuymurodovna, K. D. (2020). Application of interactive teaching methods in practical lessons in Russian. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 1-5.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

2. Ting Li & Yanzhi He(2020). Collision between mathematics history and high school teaching from HPM perspective. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 6-12.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

3. Toirov Zuvur, Juraev Husniddin Oltinboevich, Toshev Yunius Norovich & Kahharov Sobir Khudoyberdievich (2020). Using alternative energy sources devices as a teaching tools. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 13-17.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

4. Muhammadaminovna, P. S. (2020). Features of diagnosing the level of sensory development of preschool children with hearing impairment. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 18-21.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

5. Yuanyuan Li Linan Zhong (2020). A study on the effectiveness of after-school tutoring for students of primary and junior middle schools in educational institutions. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 22-25.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

6. Khan, S. (2020). Linking teacher training and classroom practice: challenges and solutions. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 26-35.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

7. Aminovna, K. M. (2020). The role of using game technologies in studying the Russian language in a non-language university. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 36-42.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

8. Dourou, C. (2020). A teaching intervention for improving definitional skills in upper elementary students. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 43-53.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

9. Rakhimovna, A. R. (2020). Art workbook as a means of improving the efficiency of independent work of pupils in younger classes. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 54-56.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

10. Sayyora, S. (2020). Problems of development of speech competence of students of non-philological universities. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 57-60.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

11. Pulatovna, K. S. (2020). The figurative and expressive functions of the choral texture in the work of Mustafo Bafoeva. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 61-65.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

12. Ibragimova, D., Meliboyev, T. & Hatamqulova, G. (2020). Healthy lifestyle and its importance. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 66-70.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

13. Makhmudov, K., Shorakhmetov, S. & Murodkosimov, A. (2020). Computer literacy is a tool to the system of innovative cluster of pedagogical education. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 71-74.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

14. Saydakhmetova, D. (2020). Teaching Russian as a foreign language through stories. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 75-78.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

15. Bakhromov, O. (2020). The importance of motivation in the achievements of young  footballers. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 79-83.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

16. Tokhtiyarova, S. E. (2020). Children with speech and developmental disorders in preschool age: prevalence and problems of speech therapy services at a mainstream preschool. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 84-88.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

17. Isakulovich, T. N. & Khabibullaevich, O. A. (2020). Offenses and crimes against minors in the republic of Uzbekistan: analysis, problems and recommendation. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 89-93.

Abstract                                  Full Paper

18. Abdimital, N. (2020). Creation of new generation textbooks for technical educational institutions based on innovative technologies. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 94-98. 

Abstract                                  Full Paper

19. Kakhramonova, K. (2020). Entertaining as a means of psychological and pedagogical impact in the process of formation of ICT competencies. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 99-102. 

Abstract                                  Full Paper

20. Saidakbarov, K. (2020). Formation of professional competence in the field of information security among future economists. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 103-106. 

Abstract                                  Full Paper

21. Movlonov, M. (2020). Professionally-oriented tasks in teaching mathematics using visual modeling technology. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 107-109. 

Abstract                                  Full Paper

22. Yuldashev, S. (2020). Formation of professionally reflective thinking of students in the classroom according to the methodology of labor training. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 110-113. 

Abstract                                  Full Paper

23. Ilir A. ISLAMI (2020). Economic, social and cultural rights for the elderly. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (5), 114-122. 

Abstract                                  Full Paper