European Journal of Physical and Agricultural Sciences (EJPAS): Accepted Papers
1. Berxolli, A. & Shahini, S. (2018). Controlling tuta absoluta (meyrick, 1917) based on emamectin benzoate usage. European Journal of Physical and Agricultural Sciences, 6 (2), 1-6.
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2. Jimenez, M. D. C. M. et al. (2018). Biological effectiveness of bacillus spp. and trichoderma spp. on apple scab (venturia inaequalis) in vitro and under field conditions. European Journal of Physical and Agricultural Sciences, 6 (2), 7-17.
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3. Donowarti, I., Muddarisna, N. & Muhandoyo (2018). Effect of porang powder consumption on rat (rattus novergicus wistarstrain) body weight and kidney health. European Journal of Physical and Agricultural Sciences, 6 (2), 18-25.
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4. Ekumankama, O. O. & Anyawu, U. S. (2018). Comparative analysis of job performance of field extension workers in Abia and Akwa Ibom States, Nigeria. European Journal of Physical and Agricultural Sciences, 6 (2), 26-34.
Abstract Full Paper
5. Pajo, N. D., Gerjila, Y. A. & Nujore, A. K. (2018). Evaluation of soybean genotypes in guinea savannah lacation of Nigeria. European Journal of Physical and Agricultural Sciences, 6 (2), 35-44.