EJBGE Vol. 5 No. 1, 2018

European Journal of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (EJBGE): Accepted Papers

1. Dervishi, B., Kolaneci, V. & Kamberi, E. (2018). Length-weight relationship and growth of lake shkodra bleak (alburnusscoranza). European Journal of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, 5 (1), 1-7.

Abstract                          Full Paper

2. Dervishi, B., Kolaneci, V. & Çinari, A. (2018). Production, catch structure and cpue in Shkodra lake. European Journal of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, 5 (1), 8-12.

Abstract                          Full Paper

3. Sampathkumar, Y.  et al. (2018). Chemiluminescence immunoassay of thyroid hormone in human serum by using minividas – a hormonal analyzer system. European Journal of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, 5 (1), 13-21.

Abstract                          Full Paper

4. Tucuch-Pérez, M. AA. et al. (2018). Antifungal activity of metabolites from bacillus spp. against fusarium oxysporum using micro dilution in plate method. European Journal of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, 5 (1), 22-30

Abstract                          Full Paper